Feb 18, 2025  
2024-2025 Academic Catalog 
2024-2025 Academic Catalog

Minnesota Transfer Curriculum (MnTC)

The Minnesota Transfer Curriculum (MnTC) is an agreement between Anoka-Ramsey Community College, Minnesota State schools, and the University of Minnesota. The MnTC will transfer as a “package” to any Minnesota State school, the University of Minnesota system, and some private schools upon completion and documentation on a student’s transcript, which will be updated at the end of each term.

Completion Requirements

Students must fulfill the 10 goal areas, complete 40 credits from those listed below, and maintain a cumulative 2.0 GPA for the entire MnTC. Grades of A, B, C, and D are accepted within the MnTC. Courses with a superscript (e.g.: ENGL 11212) satisfy more than one goal area. The credits are only counted once towards the 40-credit requirement. The number of credits is noted in parenthesis next to the course.

All the following competencies are included in our lower-division general education curriculum. There are ten goal areas.

    To develop writers and speakers who use the English language effectively and who read, write, speak, and listen critically. As a base, all students should complete introductory communication requirements early in their collegiate studies. Writing competency is an ongoing process to be reinforced through writing-intensive courses and writing across the curriculum. Speaking and listening skills need reinforcement through multiple opportunities for interpersonal communication, public speaking, and discussion.
    To develop thinkers who are able to unify factual, creative, rational, and value-sensitive modes of thought. Critical thinking will be taught and used throughout the general education curriculum in order to develop students’ awareness of their own thinking and problem-solving procedures. To integrate new skills into their customary ways of thinking, students must be actively engaged in practicing thinking skills and applying them to open-ended problems.
    To improve students’ understanding of natural science principles and of the methods of scientific inquiry, e.g., the ways in which scientists investigate natural science phenomena. As a basis for lifelong learning, students need to know the vocabulary of science and to realize that, while a set of principles has been developed through work of previous scientists, ongoing scientific inquiry and new knowledge will bring changes in some of the ways scientists view the world. By studying the problems that engage today’s scientists, students learn to appreciate the importance of science in their lives and to understand the value of a scientific perspective. Students are encouraged to study both the biological and physical sciences.
    To increase students’ knowledge about mathematical and logical modes of thinking. This will enable students to appreciate the breadth of applications of mathematics, evaluate arguments, and detect fallacious reasoning. Students will learn to apply mathematics, logic, and/or statistics to help them make decisions in their lives and careers. Minnesota’s public higher education systems have agreed that developmental mathematics includes the first three years of a high school mathematics sequence through intermediate algebra.
    To increase students’ knowledge of how historians and social and behavioral scientists discover, describe, and explain the behaviors and interactions among individuals, groups, institutions, events, and ideas. Such knowledge will better equip students to understand themselves and the roles they play in addressing the issues facing humanity.
    To expand students’ knowledge of the human condition and human cultures, especially in relation to behavior, ideas, and values expressed in works of human imagination and thought. Through study in disciplines such as literature, philosophy, and the fine arts, students will engage in critical analysis, form aesthetic judgments, and develop an appreciation of the arts and humanities as fundamental to the health and survival of any society. Students should have experiences in both the arts and humanities.
    To increase students’ understanding of individual and group differences (e.g., race, gender, class) and their knowledge of the traditions and values of various groups in the United States. Students should be able to evaluate the United States’ historical and contemporary responses to group differences.
    To increase students’ understanding of the growing interdependence of nations and peoples and develop their ability to apply a comparative perspective to cross-cultural social, economic, and political experiences.
    To develop students’ capacity to identify, discuss, and reflect upon the ethical dimensions of political, social, and personal life and to understand the ways in which they can exercise responsible and productive citizenship. While there are diverse views of social justice or the common good in a pluralistic society, students should learn that responsible citizenship requires them to develop skills to understand their own and others’ positions, be part of the free exchange of ideas, and function as publicly minded citizens.
    To improve students’ understanding of today’s complex environmental challenges. Students will examine the interrelatedness of human society and the natural environment. Knowledge of both biophysical principles and sociocultural systems is the foundation for integrative and critical thinking about environmental issues.

For a full program page with all courses listed outright and a degree planner printable option available, visit the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum (MnTC)  program page.