Feb 18, 2025
CHEM 1062 - Principles of Chemistry II Credits: 4
This course is the second semester of a two-semester sequence for liberal arts and science students and for students majoring in science and engineering or studying for careers in the allied health professions. Topics include organic chemistry, intermolecular forces, liquids, solids, colligative properties, kinetics, equilibria, acids and bases, solubility equilibria, thermodynamics, oxidation-reduction, electrochemistry, and nuclear chemistry. This course requires 3 lecture hours and 1 three-hour laboratory per week.
Prerequisite(s) (must have a grade of C or better):
- MATH 0250 or appropriate math placement score
Recommended Skills, Abilities, or Coursework: MATH 1200 highly recommended
Minnesota Transfer Curriculum (MnTC) Goal(s): Goals 2 and 3
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